Freedom of information (FOI) releases from South Derbyshire District Council

This is a disclosure log of South Derbyshire District Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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9 disclosures

  1. Dear South Derbyshire District Council, Please treat this as an Freedom of Information/Environmental Information Regulations request. I would like information about your council’s planning in relation to climate action for the Council Climate Action Scorecards. This information is most likely to be held by a planning officer or similar. In particular, please supply me with information relating to the following question: Has the council approved any new or expanded airport runways, terminals, measures to increase passenger numbers or other planning proposals that expand airport capacity in its area since the 1st January 2020 until 15th August 2024? Please list which ones were accepted.

    Published: 13 September 2024

  2. I would like information about your council’s lobbying work in relation to climate action for the Council Climate Action Scorecards. In particular, please supply me with information relating to the following question: Has the council written to or met with UK national or devolved governments to ask or lobby for climate action since 1st January 2023? Please provide some evidence of the most recent letter or meeting such as a copy of the letter or email sent, or the date, topic of meeting and position of the person that the meeting was held with. This includes either asking for more powers and funding for local authorities to take climate action, or asking for the government to take further action themselves. This includes working with other local authorities to send joint letters or meetings to lobby UK or devolved governments, and includes both general climate action and calls for action on specific issues such as transport where climate change is mentioned as a motivating factor for taking action. This includes if a cabinet member or other councillor has written to or met with the UK or devolved governments on behalf of the council. I look forward to hearing from you in due course.

    Published: 13 September 2024

  3. How many staff worked from abroad – full time or for a period of time – in the year ending 31 December 2023 (by abroad I mean overseas- ie not Wales or Scotland (or Rep. of Ireland if the local authority is in Northern Ireland))?

    If any staff did work from abroad – full time or for a period of time – please name the country and the grade of the employee.

    If for a period of time, please say how long the staff member worked abroad.

    And please include the details of employees working abroad full time – or for a period of time - in 2024.

    Published: 12 September 2024

    1. Please can you confirm your expenditure on agency staff for the most recent year available broken down by service and where the information is available also the role.

    2. Can you confirm if you use a vendor (such as Matrix) or engage with agencies directly.

    3. Can you confirm which frameworks you use.

    4. Please confirm if you have any off-framework spend and the % of the total spend this represents.

    Published: 12 September 2024

  4. 1. Please can you provide me with the name, job title, contact number and email address of the person responsible for the management of Taxi Licensing.

    2. Details of your current taxi licensing platform including expiry date, contract cost and duration of the contract. The licensing platform is the software that you use to manage customers applications, e.g., Idox, Civica, Jadu. Unless of course you use Word, Excel, PDF or

    Published: 12 September 2024

  5. I am seeking information in respect of all ‘closed’ Council Tax accounts for the period 1st April 1993 to 1st September 2024 with a credit balance for the Trident Group (including Trident Housing/Trident Housing Association Ltd, Trident Reach/Trident Reach the People Charity, and Trident Star/Trident Star Ltd).

    Published: 12 September 2024

  6. 1. Your total spending on temporary accommodation for homeless households in the financial year 2022/23. Please advise how much of this spending was funded by central Government (for instance via the Homelessness Prevention Grant) and what, if any, was the net cost to you (to be funded by the Council Tax.)

    2. Your total spending on temporary accommodation for homeless households in the financial year 2023/24. Please advise how much of this spending was funded by central Government (for instance via the Homelessness Prevention Grant) and what, if any, was the net cost to you (to be funded by the Council Tax.)

    3. Your total spending on hotels as temporary accommodation for homeless households in the financial year 2022/23.

    4. Your total spending on hotels as temporary accommodation for homeless households in the financial year 2023/24.

    Published: 14 August 2024

  7. In 2019/20 you received On-Street Residential Chargepoint Scheme (ORCS) grant funding. Specifically, I would like to request the following: A) A copy of the contract signed with the successful bidder for the On-Street Residential Chargepoint Scheme (ORCS) grant funding. b) A copy of the winning bid submission for the ORCS above grant funding.

    Published: 12 August 2024

  8. The requester asked

    How many motorcycle parking spaces there are in the district

    Specify how many are private and how many are public

    That data drilled down further by location (ideally by village, town or city)

    What the rules/charges are for motorcycles in the above areas If you hold the data, specifying what spaces belong to supermarket/leisure centres would be great too

    Published: 31 July 2024